Archive for Oktober 2011
Openrecuirtment MER-C (wish it can be a ways to achieve my dreams)
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011 § 0
Night everyone, hmmm. Alhamdulillah hari ini saya masih bisa dikasih nikmat sehat serta kehidupan oleh Sang Khaliq. masih bisa dibukakan mata saya untuk melihat indahnya alam semesta ini.
Bener deh, gg tau mulai dari mana. Speechless, nervous, and i don't know what must i say for tomorrow. Just hope, tomorrow can be a good and amazing day for me. Ohhh Allah, The Lord of The Word....... please keep my spirit to achieve my dreams. To make it be real. Hmmmmmm, ohhh so hard for me to keep it in my heart.
Jadi besok itu tanggal 2 Oktober kan? 2011 kan? nahhh itu dia besok agenda saya mah ikut OPEN RECUIRTMENT MER-C. duh gimana ya besok? saya bakal down, apa bakal up ya? hiks :'( sedihhhhh.
Seneng, gg tau deh.
Ya Allah, tuluskanlah hati ini, jauhkanlah dari penyakit hati, Allah... lagi lagi dan lagi, jikalau ini memang yang terbaik untuk hamba, dan menurutmu seperti itu. Mudahkanlah Ya Rahman Ya Rahiim, I don't know what must i think know. but i want to say Alhamdulillah, and Thank you for everything Allah :')
I wish that tomorrow can be a great day, amazing day. Hope :)
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful. I'm ready to fly
Salam hangat
-Sang petualan Mimpi-
Wassalamu'alaikum ^^

Who Am I ?

- Miftakhul Jannah
- Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
- A woman who considers herself is Superwomen. cool, quiet, sometimes less confident, emotional, moody, Love Palestine, like paperclips and origami. yeah and many others characters that She have. However She lives because Allah, and for people around. Always has an high dreams and was thinking to achieve these dreams one by one. This is me. Mita :)