Friends, I Miss This Night. But Tonight ...

Jumat, 31 Desember 2010 § 2

Tonight, 31 Dec 2010. Dan malam ini malam tahun baru, untuk waktu dunia.
Hmm, but menurut kalender islam sih udah tahun baru :D  Yeah.
Seperti malam2 31 Dec yg lalu, I just stay at home with my family.
But I'm realy miss this night, 31 dec 2008 (2 years ago) with my junior high school friends.
Malam itu, kita kumpul di rumah mita. Makan2 bareng, talking about our story.
Laughted together, and play some games. Kadang ada yang curhat, yg paling sebel mah malah cerita pacar.
Hzzzzzzz,, I don't hear that. But, they are my friends, I must hear that. Hahahah I think.
Finally,  mereka gg kumpul bareng di sini lagi. Di rumah mita. hahaha
tapi, hmmm. I enjoy tonight :p
But I miss it.

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