You Cannot Change Yesterday
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011 § 0

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You are currently reading You Cannot Change Yesterday at ♡ My Life is My Adventure ♡.
- Author: Miftakhul Jannah
- Comments: No Comments
- Categories: Quotes
Who Am I ?

- Miftakhul Jannah
- Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
- A woman who considers herself is Superwomen. cool, quiet, sometimes less confident, emotional, moody, Love Palestine, like paperclips and origami. yeah and many others characters that She have. However She lives because Allah, and for people around. Always has an high dreams and was thinking to achieve these dreams one by one. This is me. Mita :)
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- Thank You My Teacher in Elementary School
- Remembering Palestina
- Just Little Hope
- After Graduated from Senior High School
- You Cannot Change Yesterday
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